Article: Check Out Our Recent Wild Camping Trip!

Check Out Our Recent Wild Camping Trip!
We at Green Overhead are family run, and even though we spend most of our time together in the office, we believe its extremely important to spend time outside of work too. With this in mind, we've been trying to get out and camp as much possible recently, especially before the cold comes in full swing.

Hidden by the trees in our local wood we pull out our sleeping bag & Bivvy and set up camp. When cooking we'll either use a Jetboil, or an old military Trangia, camping usually means eating some freeze dried food out of bag, but when we're feeling fancy we'll bring some steak and veggies, and cook them up on the Trangia.

Some advice for those wanting to get out there and start wild camping, make sure you do everything you can to defend yourself from small critters. Whether you get a bug net for your hammock, some spray/scream to fend them off, or some tweezers to pull the little buggers off when it's too late, this is an essential. To give you an example of how relentless these small creatures can be, on our last trip we lacked any defence and ended up with about 7 ticks each!